Monday, November 24, 2008

This Kid Cracks Me Up...

Silly Charlie is at it again...

Here are 3 wonderful quotes from my special little friend:

The Threat:

"My left arm is going to break off if you don't get me cereal NOW!!!"

The Drama:

"I need some medicine because my throat is not being so well."

The Sweetness:

"Mom, does the man on the moon get Christmas presents too?"

And all of this happened in one day. Today.

Can you even imagine how much laughter happens around here on a daily basis?


Sarie said...

I can't even imagine. Seriously.

Laurie said...

He is a cute boy. Seriously, so handsome. Lady killer for sure.

The Kraus House said...

He is such a handsome dude!! So do you guys ever have a desire to come up and play in Idaho, if you answered yes. Lets plan something!!
love you guys