Friday, October 31, 2008


The Loot

Of course Brent took the boys Trick or Treating on the golf cart. I could hear the tires screeching from way down the street. And it only took them 10 minutes to do our entire block.

Gwen even got a piece of the action.


Lorena said...

That is to funny "speed" trick or treating! He should have run them over to our house, Mike was giving out full size candy bars. The boys look very happy, and Gwen with her sucker is such a doll!

Ashley Garbe Smith said...

I love those kids - Thank goodness you had that golf cart - wow - and some people thought it would be totally useless...

Lindsey said...

What lucky kids to trick or treat on the golf cart! At least it can take both kids at the same time. He wouldn't have been able to do that on the motorcycle!